Sunday 8 November 2015


Alone ... we all feel like this at one point in time of our lives but always remember in Matthew 28:20 Jesus says: " I am with you always, even to the end of the age"


Today i am once again reminded a bout the promise you have for my live in Jeremiah 29:11. You have stood by me in all that i do good or bad God and has always protected me even when i did not believe; at times when it was so hard and being rejected  from the very people we turn to for comfort and as we seek your word.

Then i realize that this is the way of the world, We as the world know not what we do and just as we sent our Lord and Savior to the cross so we turn on one another  because of our wicked ways, self centered and pompous just the righteous  leading priests, the teachers of the law and the elders who mocked Jesus, so we Mock and ridicule one another. Then reminds me of who i he is in Psalm 46:10

"Be Still,and know that i am God!
I will be honoured by every nation.
I will be honoured throughout the world"

And reading this scripture i opens my eyes that God know that every nation  throughout the world will honour him; Why? and How? the answer is simple JESUS!

Ephesians 1:4
Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

Sunday 4 October 2015




Happy Birthday

Dear God,

 Today is my Birthday...

For some birthdays are a joyous occasion, a reason to celebrate, but i on the other hand do not make a big fuss about it at all even thou i should, i have no one to share it with really, and as for long as i can remember, i don't ever recall that any of my birthdays except one were joyous

So Heavenly father i just want to pour out my thanks and gratitude to you for adding yet another year to my life, even tho i sometimes question my existence due to not knowing the purpose of Your will for my life. i tend to exile myself on days like these for the mere reason that i'm always let down and alone and  most of the time and i found that seeking for myself only gets me more lost, but in seeking You i retreat from emptiness and all the loneliness i have always felt.

So thank you for blessing me with another breath of life to add another year


PS. Thank you to those who are reading this

My wish --->

Monday 3 August 2015

Erased by Grace


Lord every step i take closer to you take me  so much further from you

i just want to run into your arms and stay there and never let you go

why is  live holding me back from your peace, your perfect peace

my heart is racing my breath is fading and my heart is corroding

i feel lost unto myself  yet i need to be steadfast

and a guiding light to those you have sent on my path

Jesus came to save us from Gods Wrath

and still we tread on our sinful path

Oh my God How long will this still last

Oh my lord forgive me

Forgive me, forgive me

for questioning the authority

that you have placed over me

for what they share i cannot agree

for instead my heart sees their words as debree

When i will i ever be set free from thus unholy of  holy's

Father i am filled with a void, a emptiness that seems cannot be filled

unless i surrender complete and utterly to your will.

for Father i'm not worthy in the presence of your face

for my sins has brought you nothing but disgrace

so let my light be erased  so that this darkness will be replaced

with your love and grace so that i can  once more have favour in your face

only through your grace.



Dear father God.... here i am again, your child that comes to you so often with complete brokeness and emptiness seeking your fullness in this empty evil place. i feel so lost even with so many around that say they care but can i not fee their loving and caring was all i feel he their self-righteous ness and the pompous ways and yet they see thieir self  true as the refelctinon in a mirror, but truth be revealed by the keepers of their heart as our gaze lock upon one another.

FATHER i need your sons light  to give me once more the delight so that i can continue with the good fight for my Sins innocent blood was slained and even thou i was set free  from all that bound me the claw of death still surround me.
Renew my Mind
Renew my Spirit
Renew my soul
even if if t means that this Body shall perish.

Lord forgive me for my sins which i commit so freely in  thoughts and my actions,
Forgive me for not sharing the good news every day, and please bless the person(s) reading this for they may say  to themselves ..." i relate to this" but truth of the matter is that no one can related to what i feel or what i  experience for they only know half  the story if they havent traveled my journey

So father i call to you  to set those free whom may feel like me
Show them your love from the heavens up above
with Your mercy and kindness forgive us our unbelief even thou we believe  for we are but faithless people
